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To flash your bra or not to flash your bra – this is the question

Looking back at these photos, I realize I could have benefited from some direct sun exposure this past summer. My legs especially look like Tilda Swinton’s ghost.

Then again, I’m not one to lounge by the pool and work on my tan. I tried it a few times, fell asleep and woke up ready to join the cast of “The real housewives of New Jersey!”. It wasn’t pretty!

But let’s get to the obvious - navy and dusty pink are always a winning mix of colors. Not to mention this day will go down in history as the day my hair looked OK, even great compared to any other day in my life. I think the tamed puff with a retro style ponytail is going back in my daily hairstyles rotation!

As you might imagine, I wore this a few weeks ago, but it could still work with tights and a pair of ankle boots. I’m going to miss flashing my bra under light weigh dresses with deep cuts – it kinda was my thing this summer! 

So, what are your thoughts on revealing a bit of your undergarments under your street clothes? Yay or nay?

 I’m wearing:
dress / rochie  - here
blue bag / geanta - vintage
necklace / colier - here
  sandals / sandals - H&M
bracelets / bratari - New Look 
 leather jacket, sunglasses / geaca piele,  ochelari- random brand

New Giveaway

Here's a another fast giveaway courtesy of Romwe for all of you! One lucky winner gets to win this super chic black, lace blouse that can be worn lots of different ways depending on your mood!

All you have to do for a chance to win is (all 3 conditions are mandatory): 
Please follow all the steps, otherwise your entry will not be valid:
  ♥ LIKE  Pop Culture&Fashion Magic on Facebook 
 ♥ Add a comment on the product page using your Facebook account to show your love for the dress
   ♥ Don't forget to leave your email in a comment bellow this article

 For extra chances to win you can also (these are not mandatory and each one will count as an extra entry):
 ♥ Share the giveaway on facebook with a @Pop Culture&Fashion Magic tag
♥ Follow Pop Culture&Fashion Magic via Bloglovin, Twitter, GFC, Tumblr, Instagram, Google+ and/or Pinterest  (mention which of them in a comment so that I can check and count them as extra entries).

  The giveaway ends March 31st 2014. The winner will be sorted out randomly. This is an international giveaway– anybody can join in!
The Winner

 I  want to thank you all for taking the time to enter this giveaway! I have to rely on the Gods of chance to choose the winner. This is the list I made with all the entries (the mandatory one and the extra entries):

 …and the winner is... 
No. 44 - that's Geraldyne! Congratulations! 

The life of Jimmy Q – James Edward Quaintance III's story

James Edward Quaintance III is not a normal guy; he’s an amazing mix of everything good in this world.

I would like to take total credit for the title of this article, but it’s actually inspired by hisInstagram account. How very modern of me! The real reason I’m writing about James Quaintance is that I’m not so secretly hoping all that cool might be contagious.

So let me hit you with some prime quality storytelling!

James Edward Quaintance III or Jimmy Q (even his name is great) is a pro skater, model, tattoo artist and rock star born in Los Angeles. A bit of a over-achiever, aren't we? 

Originally a very appreciated pro-skater with mad skills in that area, Jimmy Q started modeling in 2011 and immediately made an impression with his very particular look. Being born in Venice (also known as Dog Town), the center of all things skateboarding, paid off for James in more ways than one.

He was signed by Select models and walked the runway in major shows (Oliver Spencer, Pringle of Scotland) while also appearing in numerous magazines (Nylon, Huge, Wylder, lookbook for Beautiful Fül). Not to mention he’s a God on Tumblr and Pinterest which, let’s face it, it’s all that really matters.

James obviously loves tattoos and he is a walking talking piece of art and a promoter of the FreshTrends culture that’s so big in LA. He doesn’t only proudly showcase his tattoos, but he also practices - he's a professional tattoo artist himself.   

And there’s also the now defunct but once epic love story with Pippa Holland who just happens to be equally as unique and beautiful. They started dating after talking for months and months on Facebook, until that wasn’t enough anymore so they decided that they had to be together. And even though they never meet in person until then, he flew to England from Venice and so they got together ever since for a while. Heartwarming, right? I bet many of you can relate!

Everybody thought those two were made for each other.Many dedicated Tumblr Pages and Pinterest boards were created to celebrate this perfect union of hotness and tattoos. They even appeared together in the video for Bleach Blood’s Anything Anything song were they played two strangers who get very cozy in a bar, only to realize they just imagined everything. Don’t you just hate that? Can't tell you how many times I thought I was making out with very hot guys and then I woke up and had to face reality.:))))

They apparently split up after four years of relationship, but I couldn’t find out more which, I’m not going to lie, it’s infuriating. I’m really good at digging shit out on the internet, but I lost my patience trying to find out what the status of their relationship is. The rumor was Pippa dumped him, but I couldn’t bet my life on it. They are still friends though which gives you hope! Pippa seems to have dated Rikki Hall at one point (she clearly has a type), but it wasn’t long lived since he moved on to Lauren Capulet and then Kelly Osbourne.

 Ricki Hall and Pippa Holland

James Edward Quaintance III and Pippa Holland

Jimmy Q is the coolest guy in town, his attitude screams “I don’t really give a damn”, he has that old school badass presence about him, carries himself like a rock star and has the wardrobe to back it up.

I’m always getting a modern Elvis meets James Dean vibe with him – it must be that sick hair and his signature style slim jeans and leather jackets or slick suites that look amazing against his tattoos. Based on my thorough research he is pretty much addicted to cigarettes and likes jewelry as much as most girls do. He also loves puppies and kittens!!!

James Edward Quaintance III is also the vocalist of a punk rock band called Former Lovers. I don’t know how much success he has with his band as they haven’t updated their band Facebook page singe October 2012, but hopefully they are just too busy to do it (probably not though).

I really like this guy since he seems like a truly nice person, a well grounded man that‘s still rooted in reality even though he is so darn handsome, successful and talented!  

  Photos: 1, 2

How do you like mister Jimmy Q? What type of guys or girls are you into?

How to match your swimsuit with your body type and personality

Only the thought that’s always summer somewhere keeps me going right now. It’s been a slow progression, but, over the years, I’ve been hating winter more and more - to the point I would love to live somewhere warm all year long. Yes, I’m totally California dreaming right now.

I’m one of those people that wants to spend Christmas at the beach and go somewhere exotic for the holidays. I can hardly wait for summer and planning on going somewhere really cool. Not sure where, but the ocean is a must. 

So while everybody is writing about coats and boots, I’m already thinking about 2015 swimsuits. I have always have been a forward thinker! :)

I don’t know about you, but the process of trying on and finding the right swimsuits it’s really a terrifying thing. Many women dread it more than the zombie apocalypse or childbirth. It usually goes hand in hand with a Brazilian wax. Enough said!

The fact that there’s a lot to choose from out there is not helping either: hundreds of prints, cuts, shapes, no name and designer swimsuits, online shops or traditional stores, one pieces swimsuits, full body swimsuits and on and on. Very confusing stuff.Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
For me the key is to find something that suits both your personality and body shape. But if you have multiple personalities, like me, it’s going to be hard to stick to one style.

But let’s start with the right swimsuits for each silhouette.

1. Athletic build (Triangle shape)

Ok, so you’ve been working out and you look like a male Korean drama lead meets runway model. Please don’t take this as an insult – I’m very much into those (they are prettier than most girls) - nice shoulders and arms, narrower hips, nicely defined legs. 

You should totally show off by wearing revealing swimsuits with lots of feminine details, maybe some cool hip or straps embellishments. Go for low cut bottom pieces and tops with cups, ruffles, maybe some padding to soften your look and give the illusion of a larger chest. 

Don’t be afraid of wearing prints – they are your friend. Don’t punish the world by wearing one pieces – those abs deserve to be seen.

2. Curvy or hourglass body shape (defined waist with a generous bust and hips)

Firstly, congratulations for winning at the genetic lottery. You will look good in almost anything, but keep in mind that you need something to hold everything in place. A little support is always welcomed and balconette or halter style tops with underwire are the best for that. 

Look for pieces that have thicker straps and double-stitched bands as well – they’re going to be both comfortable and flattering. Cool one pieces will also look hot on you.

Specialists usually recommend going for solid or very small prints to avoid messing with your proportions, but I think you should go for what you like and feel that looks good on you. I would avoid anything with strings, unless you want a wardrobe malfunction – the beach edition - happening to you.   

3. Pear shaped body

You’re lower half might be winder than your top half, but you can still rock a swimsuit like it’s nobody’s business. Choosing the right bottom is the most important thing here: go for full coverage or high waisted boy shorts or hipsters, even briefs. 

The top should be something attention grabbing to balance things out – low cut, interesting details and molded cups are the answer. I would definitely go for one of those two pieces with a solid colored bottom and a printed top.

Think along these lines: go wild on top and remain modest in the bottom area. It sounds a lot dirtier than intended, but you get my point. One piece swimsuits with interesting upper cuts and details are also a great idea.

4. Straight build

You’re the envy of every teenage girl in the world, not many curves to talk about, but nothing to hide either. Your photos are probably all over Tumbler by now. You can go as skimpy as you like without looking vulgar. 

Just know that any kind of gathering details, prints, padding and ruffles will enhance your existing curves.String bikinis have been made for you, so don’t be afraid to get some of those.

 Photos and gifs: sunbain, 1, 2

How do you like your swimming suits?

For the love of music

Nothing much surprises me anymore, but I still get startled by people saying things like: “I don’t really listen to music” or “I don’t like music all that much.” It’s like saying air is not all that high on your list of priorities. To each his own, but if you’re one of those people, we’re probably not going to be best friends.

That being said, I appreciate companies that choose to support music and musicians. There are so many immensely talented people in the world that never get to be listened to because they are not given a chance and don’t have the financial support to make it in this business. And the music business it’s a really harsh world to be part of. People get rejected a lot, they get judged not only based on talent, but mainly on appeal, age and the way they look. These things happen to all of us, but not as much as they do to struggling musicians. The more different you are, the more the world harps on you.

And then there’s my passion for infographics – I even have a Pinterest board dedicated to them. We all know that’s the ultimate confirmation I’m into something! Infographics make things so much easier if they’re great. Just like with people, I like them smart and I’m biased towards those that don’t bore me to sleep.

I actually found a perfect example of a great infographic that just happens to combine my love for music and graphics. The subject is not something that could be labeled as being of mass interested - a company shows the touchable results of a great ongoing project through which they’re supporting indie music and artists. It has lots of information that would otherwise be super boring because it’s so particular, but it’s not.

The way all these numbers and graphs are presented is witty and entertaining. All the humor and puzzling comparisons make you read it from top to bottom. The fact that the design itself is simple, focused and easy to follow help as lot to. People making infographics for a living should take notes.

And I didn't even know the animal whit the the shortest life span on earth is the mayfly. Living just for procreation purposes is indeed very rock and roll. Also sad, but mostly rock and roll!

Presented By Scion

Do you find infographics useful? Do you collect them? Which types of infographics do you find helpful? 


Event: Band of Creators in Wonderland

One of the perks of being a fashion blogger is the chance to attend cool events and exclusive runway shows. Sure, many of them will prove disappointing, but that wasn’t the case for the one I went to the last day of March. Band of Creatorsin Wonderland got me excited from the second I got the invitation! It almost seemed like something that could have been thrown in my honor, so I had to go!

The Alice in Wonderland decor was super fun and whimsical and created a story for the runway show of 10 up and coming Romanian designers that got to reveal their spring-summer collections.

My outfit had a Red Queen vibe with my new red dress worn under a tuxedo shaped trench. The head accessory featuring a blue bird is handmade by me and the shoes are new so I couldn’t wait to wear them for one more minute.

Unde am fost in ultima zi din martie? In Tara Minunilor, unde altundeva? Echipa Band of Creators din spatele magazinului online si showroom-ului cu acelasi nume, a construit unul dintre cele mai elaborate si reusite decoruri pe care le-am vazut pana acum la un eveniment din Romania.

Mi-a placut extrem de tare efortul de a organiza ceva cu poveste in space, mai ales ca rezultatul a fost super reusit. Cei de la Band of Creators trebuie felicitati pentru originalitate si executia impecabila.

Decorul inspirat din Alice in Wonderland pus in scena in gradina unui mare hotel bucurestean, a servit ca pretext pentru lansarea colectiilor de primavara-vara a 10 designeri romani aflati la inceput de drum: 109, Aer Wear, Beliv, Crepe Black Collar, Florentina Giol, Ana Maria Gal, Sandra Galan, Adriana Goilav, Alina Morar si Dorv Clothing.

Makeup-ul realizat de echipa coordonata de Alexandru Abagiu si hair styling-ul de care s-au ocupat cei de la Beauty District au reprezentat, cu siguranta, inca un aspect pozitiv care a contribuit la atmosfera aproape magica. Cand vine vorba de colectiile prezentate, mi-au placut foarte mult tinutele in culori pastelate, imprimeurile florale si croielile avangardiste. Am pregatit si cateva colaje cu tinutele mele preferate din prezentarea de moda!

Ana-Maria Gal (linii simple si feminine si cel mai frumos imprimeu floral pe care l-am vazut in ultimul timp).
Aer Wear (tinute urbane cu detalii avangardiste - as purta oricand rochia albastra sau combinatia de pantaloni cu talie inalta, crop top si vesta drapata).
109 (Rochia creion cu cu decupaj si portjartier este probabil preferata mea, urmata de rochiile lungi din materiale fluide).
Alina Morar (negru, alb si animal print in combinatii moderne - imi place enorm rochia neagra din stanga - este atat de simpla, dar ingenioasa!)
Beliv (rochia lunga cu guler si taieturi pe umeri este absolut superba!)
Florentina Giol (o colectie super reusita cu piese versatile: rochia trench cu umerii goi si combinatia negru-nude in doua tinute diferite, au fost preferatele mele )

Este posibil ca la un moment dat sa fi simtit ca evenimentul a fost organizat in onoarea mea. Pana la urma, ma cheama Alice si am fost in Tara Minunilor deci exista o legatura, fie ea si contextuala!

Desi terminasem o zi de lucru de 12 ore, am avut destula energie - probabil de la prea mult zahar (inghetata La Strada si briosele dementiale au fost apreciate din plin de cineva obsedat de dulciuri ca mine si s-au potrivit perfect cu tema evenimentului). Prezentarea de moda a fost urmata de un recital live al trupei Dekadens. M-am simtit excelent si am facut o multime de poze iar evenimentul a fost un sfarsit perfect pentru o zi de luni! 

Outfitul meu are o usoara tenta de The Red Queen cu toate ca nu a fost premeditat, m-am gandit mai mult la ceva care sa mearga de la job la un evenimnet cu dress code cu doar o schimbare de pantofi (da, aveam pantofii in geanta si i-am incaltat chiar inainte sa ajung, spre oroarea lui Costin care evident habar nu are ca-i imposibil sa stai 14 ore in tocuri de 12 cm!!!).

In general merg pe ce-mi place mai mult din garderoba mea in momentul respectiv si de data aceasta am purtat o rochie rosie cu volum si un trench rosu cu croiala tuxedo de care sunt indragostita. Bentita cu pasare alabastra este facuta de mine si o gasiti pe celalalt blog de care ma ocup.

 Photos: me, Costin, Band of Creators
 I’m wearing:
red dress / rochie rosie - 6ks (here)
  butterfly belt / curea fluture - vintage
black pumps / pantofi - Asos
  red trench / trench rosu - tbdresses (here)
rings / inele - Forever 21
bag / geanta  - Debenhams
blue bird headband /bentita pasare - made it myself (see more in my Etsy store)

Prolong the Life of your Pearls: How to Properly Care for Pearl Jewelry

You all know I’m crazy about jewelry and I’m always fixated on something in particular, right? Well, my latest obsession are pearl jewelry of any kind. Lately I’ve been into everything classic and pearls are just so timeless and elegant (simple pieces like these here too - https://www.lagunapearl.com).

That’s why I’ve been digging everywhere for them and I was lucky enough to find quite a few vintage piece that are really beautiful. But only a few weeks ago I really hit the motherload and I got my hands on 4 stunning pearl jewelry items that are the real deal: two necklaces, a brooch and a bracelet. Don't need to tell you how excited I am about that.

They were just delivered and they don't disappoint, but I really have to clean them up since they are a bit dusty - to say the least. I know that caring for your pearl jewelry is very important in order to preserve them for years and I plan to transform these into some kind of family heirlooms. 

I don’t want to be one of those people that ignore taking care of their jewelry and end up destroying them forever. That’s why I started doing some serious research on the subject and I’m going to show you the result once I’m done with them. 

I read that overlooking the cleaning of you pear jewelry will not only affect the way they look, but also diminish their lifespan and we don’t want that, do we?

After shifting through a lot of information, I think I found the most relevant caring and cleaning tips that will keep your pearls looking amazing for generations to come:

  • Pearls should be kept in a safe place away from extreme cold or warmth. You can wear them with other jewelry, but don’t store them in a shared box because they scratch easily. Put them away in a separate box with a soft, pillowy interior or just wrap them in linen.
  • Make sure the pearl necklaces are untangled and laid flat in their casing to avoid the pearls rubbing against each other
  • Don’t wrap your pearls in a plastic bag – they need contact with moisture to maintain their luster and thickness
  • Only use cleaners and solutions that are specially meant for pearl jewelry. Most cleaners are way too rough and coarse for pearls and, instead of helping, will only damage them
  • The thought of using clothes or dish detergents, bleach of any kind, cleaners containing ammonia, powder cleaners or even baking soda, shouldn’t even cross your mind
  • You can use warm water and soap to clean them, but stay away from the toothbrush or any abrasive pads. Instead, wipe them out with a clean and soft fabric that can be either slightly damp or dry. If you used water, make sure the pearls are dry before you deposit them safely. A final wipe with a delicate cotton towel will do the job.
  • Using just a bit of olive oil on the fabric you clean them with, will help your pearls keep their shine
  • Be careful not to wet the pearls' string. If you do, make sure it’s dry before wearing them, otherwise it’s going to stretch and gather dirt that’s not going to be easy to get rid of without replacing it all together
  • Believe it or not, acetone can be used to remove stains from pearls so you can do that with your acetone nail polish remover
  • Pearl earrings should be laid flat after cleaning on a soft cloth and not hanged to dry
  • Pearl jewelry should not, under any circumstances, be steam cleaned.
  • If you’re thinking about using an an ultrasonic cleaner on the pearls, don’t!
  • Don’t wear the pearls while applying perfume, lotion or moisturizing cream. They shouldn’t come in contact with substances that can damage their luster and color.
  • Avoid wearing your pearl jewelry over clothes made out of harsh fabrics: rough wool, other accessories made of metal or wood layered in a way that can scratch the pearls
  • Don’t bathe, shower or swim with your pearls on
  • Have your pearl necklaces restrung by someone who knows what he’s doing once in a while (especially if you wear them all the time). 
Once your jewelry it’s clean, you can work on maintaining it that way. Wiping the pearls with a chamois or soft cloth every time you take them off after wearing them it’s a great idea. This way you will avoid dirt and debris building up and also remove any perspiration that might have gotten in contact with them from your skin. Perspiration is more or less acidic and can affect the nacre coating (natural luster) of your pearls.

If you think you won’t be able to clean them properly because they’re in such a bad shape, you can always take them to a professional jeweler to do it for you. If you do have a special solution created to clean pearls you will manage for sure. Don’t forget to dry them off after cleaning by laying them flat on a slightly damp towel – once that is dry, your pearls should be dry too.

I hope this article was helpful because that pretty much all the useful advice I could gather from around the web.

Photos and gifs:1, 2

How do you feel about pearl and jewelry in general?

About wearing scarves and pet rabbits

Making a comeback! Yes, it’s been a while! I will explain it in a future post, but I just wanted to thank you all for the many emails and messages you sent. Sara and I are really touched to see you care. And we’re doing fine! Let’s just say the lack of posts lately can be filed under the “life got in the way” label.

 But let’s get to the photos!

My sister and I have this silly, fun tradition where every Easter we do a “photoshot” while visiting our grandmother in the countryside for the holiday. Said photoshot takes place somewhere at the deep end of the garden – some sort of a meadow if you may.

I remember one year we hang out a huge piece of hot pink fabric in the next door neighbors’ orchard between two plum trees and scared the shit out of them (it looked like some kind of alien landing from the distance).

Here's a photo with that particular contraption for you to understand what I mean. And yes, I was a redhead for a while.

Full disclosure – I kind of hate taking photos in general and especially after a few days of stuffing myself with great food (which always happens at my granny’s). If it were for me I would probably skip the photo session entirely.

But then there’s Sara. She wears me off with a guilt trip about wasting our life away and how we’re only young and camera ready once, so I eventually cave in and do whatever ridiculous thing she has in mind. This year, her vision was “spring fairy taking her pet rabbit to a walk through the woods”. Her words not mine!

In her defense, she does realize how hilarious that sounds. But being able to be ridiculous and childish is kind of great if you think about it.

You should have seen us dragging all the props necessary for the photoshot to the back of the garden. Imagine this: me in full hair in makeup with my maxi dress trailing behind, Sara with the camera, a bottle of water, a bag of makeup products and hair combs in case I would need some sort of a touch-up, we even recruited our mom to carry the rabbit in his special little house. This is a "flat rabbit", he's not into running around - he does take after me in that aspect.

Oh yes, the rabbit!!! How cute is he? Kind of stole my thunder, not going to lie! Named Rinu, but called all sorts of things by Sara (Rini, Rinster, furry excavator, that little adorable monster pooping everywhere), he wasn’t in a mood for photos. Just like me, but lazier, because at some point he just stood there outstretched on the grass in spite of my efforts to make him responsive. What an animal?! :)))

Despite all the drama and my paranoia that we’re going to be bitten by dangerous insects, I have to give it to Sara for the styling. She insisted we use the huge floral print, ethnic scarf as the main focus accessory draped over the low cut, maxi dress. The scarf is actually a gorgeous traditional Romanian shawl and it’s meant to be worn on your head. One of my best finds when it comes to shopping!

In case you’re wondering, my hair didn’t miraculously grow and triple in volume - instead I'm wearing my Irresistible Me clip-in hair extensions (Royal Remy Medium Brown, 20 inches (50cm) and 200 grams and one big weft of Ginger). These hair extensions are amazing and they curl like a dream – they are the best invention since sugar. I talked about them here, but I learned how to blend them better in the meantime.

  I’m wearing:
hair extensions / extensii - Irresistible Me
maxi dress / rochie - Asos
 scarf / basma traditionala - thrifted

How to stack & layer your jewelry for summer

Some people are into minimalism and the less is more approach. I am not one of those people. I like excess and colors and layers. I appreciate minimalism on other people, but that’s not me. It’s like they say: You do you and I’m going to do me.

This summer I’m really into the bohemian style with lots of jewelry. I think they look really cool. There’s something magic about having lots of rings stacked on your fingers and bracelets dangling on your wrists. It gives me this wonderful feeling of having a superpower – like I can do things I couldn’t normally.

Moving through people with your own sound (the clinking and chiming of all your jewelry) it’s just like leaving an audible perfume trail. It’s going to turn heads. Not that I’m particularly aiming for that. It just happens :))))).

Stacking rings on your fingers it’s an art in itself. You have to make sure they look good together. The stacking of jewelry needs a balance. How to wear multiple pieces of jewelry at once without looking like you pilfered a costume jewelry store or your grandma jewelry box is not easy. It’s all about geometry and proportions. Otherwise you'll end up looking like an extra in a rap video.


This is how you do it!
Here’s a few tips and tricks on how to stack your rings, bracelets and necklaces that I learned by trial and error through years of layering jewelry on myself:

-      When in doubt stick with one metal color. Pick either gold or silver and go from there. Either of them work great with contrast colors, bohemian pieces with gemstones and jewels. Silver jewelry and blue stones are a classic. Gold with black or green is a sure thing too.
-      If you feel confident, ignore the first rule and mix metals and textures for a personalized result. Different shades of gold can play off one another, pick up the light differently and look really beautiful mixed with colorful stones and different ring settings.
-       Center everything around one or two statement pieces. Right now I’m particularly obsessed with this ring so I would pile and anchor any other pieces I’d choose starting from and around it. This also works if you have a piece that you never take off, something that has sentimental value.
-     Mix and experiment with shapes, lines and different sized rings. Combining small, delicate rings with massive pieces, knuckle rings, or girly, feminine rings with rock&roll rings, always looks cool. Piling up horizontal and vertical rings will create the illusion that you didn’t go overboard and added one too many pieces on your fingers. Anything that involves a contrasting effect will work.
-      Combine vintage pieces with trendy rings,retro or classic pieces with modern jewelry, the mix of old and new will look interesting
-       Wear more of the same: I really love the Wonder Woman look – two identical bracelets worn on each of your wrists. Multiple, identical slim rings on different fingers can look really good too. Those midi rings are especially stackable and great to mix in with more elaborate jewelry.
-       If you’re not sure how to keep a balance between proportions, keep it simple by only mixing the same size rings: either slender rings with delicate stones or big, statement rings worn together. This works especially with necklaces. I feel that wearing delicate necklaces of different lengths with simple but interesting details looks amazing. Combining big statement necklaces can get sloppy really fast unless you’re a pro.
-       Juxtaposition is key – I like to leave some of my fingers bare or adorned with something really small and simple, while stacking multiple rings on other fingers. It’s all about creating that effortless feel – like you didn’t try too hard. The negative space will keep things from getting too symmetrical and boring.
-       You can add rings and bracelets to both your hands (I prefer that because I’m all about go big or go home) or stack your jewelry on just one of your hands (if you’re not there yet :)))).
-       Add a watch into the mix when piling on your bracelets
-     Try different combinations of rings and move them around your fingers until you are happy with the results

Photos and gifs:1, 2

How do you feel about jewelry? Are they important for your look or not so much? 

The multiway convertible dress

I finally got my hands on one of those multiway convertible dresses, you guys have probably seen at least once by now. And man, I’m hooked – this  dress is so versatile I spent a few hours just trying different ways of  styling it – some my ideas, other inspired by obsessively watching videos on You Tube about the many different ways to wear it.

The special thing with this type of dress is something simple, but quite ingenious: it’s basically a skirt with two very long sections in the front that you can tie and wrap around you to create different dress styles from the waist up so it looks like you have a lot more than one dress in the same color. And we’re not talking, 2 or 3 more – I think I’ve seen over 50 variations. The skirt (bottom part) can also be different: long, midi, short length wise, asymmetrical or normal hem, pleated or simple style.

Mine was meant to be a maxi dress, but since I’m super tall, it’s not quite there. It would however be a very long dress for almost anybody else under 1.75m (5ft8). Thankfully it’s slightly longer at the back and very stretchy so it still looks good.

I love the color I choose, but I wouldn’t mind having more in all my favorite shades. Since I’m a big fan of versatility and I like the cotton blend this is made of, I plan to wear it a lot this summer.

 Do you like this style of dress? 
  I’m wearing:
  sandals / sandale - random brand
  multiway dress / rochie convertibila - WalkTrendy
bag / geanta - random brand
hair extensions / extensii de par - Irresistible Me

Pin up look using a 50s style little black dress

I was thinking that I should really drive my incipient hoarding tendencies into something more constructive for my wardrobe. Maybe instead of hundreds of rings and really, really impractical shoes, I should start building a great collection of little black dresses.

For someone with so many clothes, I have very few of those. And the one I’m wearing in this photos is the most recent addition to the madness that is my closet.

I just got it from an alternative clothing store from UK that’s technically specialized in Gothic clothing, but has so much amazing stuff, it was hard to choose just one dress. Well, I did get a blue hair dye too – I’m planning something epic for my hair – DIY article coming soon.

I think this dress might just be the perfect casual little black dress for summer. It’s 98% cotton, very airy and has the most adorable details: slightly puffy shoulders, a true sweetheart neckline, 3/4 quarter sleeves, a bow detail at the back and a classic 50s silhouette with a fitted waist and flared skirt. Scored!!!

The moment I got the package (it arrived in about a week), I could hear this dress begging for a pin up look and I like to listen when my clothes talk to me.:)))) Besides, it’s been a while since I channeled my inner pin up, so here I am: hair scarf and bold lipstick included.

This is the way the dress was styled on the site and I like it a lot. I have to find a petticoat and try this version as well. As you can see it would be longer for somebody that's not as tall as I am, but other than that is supper flattering for any silhouette and height. I think it would look nice for plus size girls as well - it just has that cut that looks amazing on anyone.
And then there’s the statement necklace– I love myself some serious rhinestone action resting on my boobs. It was sent to me by a German online store called Happiness Boutique and it’s glorious. I absolutely love the mix of silver chains and clear rhinestones and how long it is. They have amazing customer care, free shipping worldwide and the necklace came very fast and nicely packaged. If you’re ordering from Europe, you won’t have to deal with the custom and they also have a customer reward program that you can take advantage of.

This time I didn't went with the classic red lipstick - a staple for pinup makeup. Instead  I chose a dark plum (it's from Dior - color 862, Hypnotic Red).
Image may be NSFW.
Clik here to view.
statement necklace trend, costume jewelry, rhinestones statement necklace, Dior Haute Couleur Voluptuous, no.862 Hypnotic Red
How big is your little black dresses' collection? Do you stack up on anything else?

I’m wearing:
pumps, epic belt / pantofi, curea - Asos
little black dress / rochie neagra - Kate's Clothing
heart bag, head scarf / geanta, esarfa par - random brand
statement necklace / colier statement - Happiness Boutique
lipstick / ruj - Dior Haute Couleur Voluptuous, no.862 Hypnotic Red

Pastel pink hair – Sakura backdrop

These are probably the most unusual photos I have ever taken. I always wanted to try a colorful wig on, so when I had the opportunity, I chose one in pastel pink. I tried a dramatic, Arabian inspired eye makeup for the sake of contrast, but looking back, it probably wasn’t the best decision. The outfit however, I feel, works well with everything.

 Since the price was very low and the wig was synthetic, I didn’t really expect that much.

Once I got it, I was very surprised the hair looked very “real”, especially considering the color I chose. You know I have a few sets of natural hair extensions so I was able to make an informed comparison. The hair strands on this wig mimic the way natural hair looks very well and it doesn’t have the fake synthetic shine these type of wigs usually do. It does have plenty of hair, but it gets a bit thinner toward the ends which actually helps with the natural look too.

On the other hand, the wig cap is made for Asiatic heads so it was a real struggle to fit it on my medium sized, European head. If I want to suffer like that, I can always try to put my skinny jeans on, thank you very much! 

It has and adjustable strap at the back that I didn’t need for obvious reason. Good thing the cap was elastic; otherwise I couldn’t have worn it. The hair tangles a lot, so don’t throw it in a heap in a corner because it’s going to be very hard to get it back to the way it first looked. Trying to brush it, will affect the pretty loose curls the wigs comes with. Brushing will also result in a lot of shedding as I learned the hard way. Instead, you can gently comb it with your fingers to get it the shape you want.

Although having a bang doesn’t really suit me, I went for a wig that has one because I thought it would be easier to hide my hair line behind it. And I was right about that. Still, it’s pretty hard to style, but not impossible with a little bit of patience. As you can see, I tried three different styles: a side ponytail, a cute bun and just leaving the wig as it was without attempting anything crazy. You can’t really wear your hair up with this wig, but “low hanging” hairstyles can be achieved.

Weighting the pro and cons, this is my verdict regarding this wig: Considering how cheap it is, I would definitely recommend it. It’s great for photo-shoots and themed parties, cosplay, Halloween and even a festival or concert (but you’ll have to make sure and secure it on your head the best way you can).

The necklace is from the same store and it’s incredibly cute and well made – I don’t have anything negative to say about it. I loved the color combination when I first saw it and it does look exactly the same or even better in reality.

Disclaimer – The wig and necklace were sent to me as a gift. This is my honest, unbiased opinion about them.

gifs: 1, 2

 Please let me know if you like Sara’s edit for this photos – she said they needed a Sakura inspired background and I can’t disagree. 

 I’m wearing:
pink wig / peruca - here
necklace / colier - here
  dress, belt / rochie, curea - vintage

Digital Divas 2014

Digital Divas revine anul acesta cu o noua editie si, de data aceasta, sunt ceea ce se cheama blogger official al  evenimentului. Ce inseamna asta? Ei bine, este un mod mai pompos de a spune ca o sa va povestesc despre Digital Divas si inainte si dupa. Anul trecut am scris un articol foarte lung si sincer despre experienta mea la Digital Divas (cu bune si rele) si sunt tare curioasa sa vad cum au evoluat lucrurile in acest rastimp.

In cazul in care nu stiti exact despre ce este vorba, va lamuresc imediat! Digital Divas este un eveniment dedicat comunitatii online de fashion si beauty din Romania care isi propune sa premieze cele mai bune  bloguri si conturi de social media. In principiu Digital Diva doreste sa reuneasca specialisti din industie cu femei  pasionate de comunicarea onlinein teorie este o ocazie excelenta de networking si relationare cu oameni cu interese similare.  

Cele doua sesiuni de conferinte ale evenimentului se vor focusa pe tendinte si oportunitati pentru comunitatea online de beauty si fashion, modalitatile de crestere a vizibilitatii in online, cum sa ai un continut relevant pentru cititori si cum sa interactionezi eficient cu acestia.

Concret, Digital Divas, organizat de AVON Cosmetics si Evensys, va avea loc pe 3 iunie la Platul Ghika.
De data aceasta puteti macar sa va faceti cunoscuta existenta online pentru o sansa la castigarea uneia dintre categori. Inscrierile sunt gratuite, iar fiecare proiect poate fi nominalizat in competitie pe baza formularului de pe website, pana pe 15 mai 2014.  

Si pentru ca tot am ajuns aici, categoriile anuntate anul acesta sunt: Best Women Websites, Best Bloggers for Social Causes, Best Use of Photography in Blogging (Fashion & Beauty blogs), Best Instagram Account, Best Newcomer Fashion Blog, Best Newcomer Beauty Blog, Best Fashion Blog, Best Beauty Blog, The Digital Diva of The Year, Special Projects, People’s Choice Award.

Perioada de jurizare se va desfasura intre 16-26 mai. Categoriile principale vor fi jurizate de specialisti in online, cu exceptia categoriei "People's Choice Awards", ce va fi desemnata de public prin votarea online.

O sa existe si un articol de follow-up cu impresii de la fata locului si alte detalii mai mult sau mai putin picante dupa incheierea evenimentului. 

Eye candy – literally

It’s that time of year again! You know, the glorious months when you can wear sunglasses without looking like a douchebag. In fact, with summer just a short month away, sunglasses will be actually necessary and not just a stylistic choice.

I’m one of those people who like and wear sunglasses a lot. Aviator, cat eye, wayfarer shaped, clear lenses, colorful lenses, simple or intricately ornate frames – I like them all. You’ve seen me wearing them in enough outfit of the day posts over the years to believe I’m not just saying that. I have serious proof to back it up and you can see a short selection below. I dream of having a huge collection and I’m always on the lookout for a new pair despite having quite a few already.

I’ve always seen sunglasses like an easy way to complete a look and give it that cool, effortless edge. I won’t deny wearing a pair of sunglasses can also help with looking insistently at people without scaring them off. Behind the right, opaque lenses you can be plenty creepy without actually putting the fear of God into the object of your intense gaze. :))))

There was a time when it was actually very hard to find sunglasses I really liked. I had friends who actually needed glasses and hated wearing them because they looked so awful. Then I discovered online shopping and I suddenly had endless possibilities at my fingertips. In fact finding the coolest and most affordable sunglasses and eyeglasses online has become a bit of a favorite pastime of mine. Thankfully I don't need eyeglasses, but I will admit I have worn this style before just for fun and without the prescription lenses. Looking like a sexy nerd all the time has its appeal. 

Right now I have my eyes on (pun intended) a few pairs from BonLook. They carry sunglasses too, but what I'm really into is the amazing selection of eyeglasses with the most wonderful, colorful and stylish frames.
I actually need your help to decide between a "few" pairs I love since I find it almost impossible to narrow it down to an acceptable number. Which  are the one that you like best?
  I need me some sexy librarian cat eye frames! How about you?

Is this business enough?

I don’t really do business outfits – at least not in the traditional sense of the word. But I do love a great pencil skirt. The floral number I have one is possibly the best one in my closet right now – it’s high waisted, elastic, colorful and goes with everything. I have to stop myself and not wear it every single day.

And I even paired it with a shirt! But this is not the generic, white shirt that you’d usually expect in an office look. Nope – it’s the loveliest shade of see-through, baby blue with black lace details on top. I’m not even sure this get up qualifies as business attire for most, but it surely goes in that direction as far as I’m concerned. :) 

 Photos: Costin
 I’m wearing:
  blue lace shirt/ camasa - 6ks (here)
  pumps / pantofi - random brand
leather jacket / geaca piele - random brand
  bag / geanta - Debenhams
  pencil skirt / fusta - here
ring /inel - here
earrings /cercei - New Look

Maternity style – a few thoughts

As a very tall girl I have always struggled finding certain articles of clothing to fit properly: maxi dresses and maxi skirts are never long enough, pants and jeans are always shorter than I’d like,  miniskirts are too short for me, sleeves rarely go to my wrist and the list can go on and on.

High street and even designer stores generally fail to cater to the needs of niche silhouettes and heights and prefer going the safe route with the standard sizes and shapes that are going to sell and appeal to most. And even those which have tall, petite or curvy sections, don’t pay enough attention to them, so they end up being a disappointment as far as variety and design goes, especially compared with the clothes you can find in the “normal” section.

Based on some of  my friends’ experience and what I’m constantly hearing from readers, the situation is quite similar when it comes to maternity clothes. Pregnant women have a hard time finding stylish clothes specially designed for this wonderful, but equally difficult period of time in their life. They usually have to get creative and buy clothes a few sizes bigger or just give up and pretty much avoid going out during the last months of pregnancy. The few stores which do sell maternity clothes are often not what they are looking for - having an outdated and unflattering selection of clothes that’s just plain depressing.

Thankfully, there’s always online shopping and the magic of internet with its myriad possibilities. That’s how I discovered Isabella Oliver– which is probably the best maternity brand I’ve come across so far. The way I knew they were great was when I realized I had spent over an hour  browsing  through their shop and was actually considering ordering something and I’m not even pregnant, nor do I  have plans to get pregnant in the near future. But that’s the cool thing about Isabella Oliver– the clothes are designed so that you can wear them during and after pregnancy justifying the higher price tag. That, the cut and the quality of the fabrics they use make the clothes a pretty good investment. 

I made quite a few collages using my favorite looks from their site to serve as visual aid and get you inspired and excited about the various ways you can dress if you happen to be pregnant or generally going in that direction!:)

I'd love to hear from those of you who know more about maternity style first hand! Don't hesitate to share your tips and favorite shopping destinations with all of us!

How to get instantly long hair

This article is a lesson in “never say never”. Let’s start with the obvious – I have super long hair in these photos and we all know my normal hair is pretty short. 

Well guys, it’s not magic – it’s just hair extensions! And really great hair extensions if I can say so myself. And to think I have always dismissed them before – I knew hair extensions existed but was never really all that interested. Just like Jon Snow– I didn’t know anything.:)))

Instead, I was blaming my damn genes for not being able to provide Blake Lively or Selena Gomez type hair. I now realize I was delusional – there’s no way in hell that’s their natural hair. Now that my eyes have been opened, I could bet my life all those celebrities with heavenly hair wear extensions all the time. And my genes are perfectly fine, thank you very much! 

And since I got the rant out of the way, let me tell you a few things about all this hair on my head.:))) The extensions are Irresistible Me in Silky Medium Brown (#4), they are 20 inches long and the weight is 200 grams. They arrived very fast for an overseas order (the processing stage is 3 to 5 business days and the shipping another 2-4 days). They ship worldwide and the shipping is free for orders over $150 (otherwise you’ll have to pay $10 that are well-worthed since they use FedEx and the extensions will be delivered to your door). 

They are clip-ins and perfect for someone like me who doesn’t wear extensions on daily basis and just wants to put them on occasions. They have these little, sturdy clips that can be added in your hair in a matter of minutes (they are equally as easy to take off). They come in 10 wefts of different sizes (1 piece of 4 clips (8"/20cm), 2 pieces of 3 clips (6"/15cm), 5 pieces of 2 clips (4"/10cm) and 2 pieces of 1 clip (1.5cm) and there’s so much hair you can actually leave a few pieces out and only use part of them. The big weft is epic and has so much hair it can be used by itself and it’s going to look great. 

This is me before adding the hair extensions and thinking about how good I was going to look! :)

The best part is the hair itself – super soft, shiny and silky - so much so I have this crazy compulsion of touching it constantly. Fortunately, the shedding is minimal so that’s a problem just reported to my mental health. Being 100% human Remy hair, the Irresistible Me hair extensions can be cut, colored and styled without any problem as long as you take the same precautions you would with your own hair. Right here, I curled them because I wanted them to blend in perfectly. The ultimate goal was to trick everybody and make them believe I have breathtaking hair all on my own. And I think I did! The day I wore them everybody was looking at me with envy and/or lust!:)))))) I’m telling you, these are better than a boob job…a lot cheaper too (or so I heard:)))

All the hair inspired me to wear this insane ruffled maxi skirt with a salsa vibe. I might have tried a few dance poses as well, but I decided to only share those via Facebook where people are expected to be crazy and ridiculous. I couldn’t help myself and I threw on my Borealy necklace as well – it’s so pretty, it seemed like the necessary topping on the cake (and by cake I mean myself :)).

Since I know an unsettling amount of things about extension from my sister, I feel it’s my patriotic duty to make an even more detailed review about my Irresistible Me hair extensions (I have a second blonde set that I wear as highlights or instant ombre depending on the mood) and show you how to put them in! Willing or not, you will be educated!:):):):)

 If you like the hair extensions and want a set for yourself, I have a a permanent 10% off coupon code for you for anything you like on Irresistible Me, just use IrresistibleAlice at checkout by adding it in the Promo Code box.

Nici nu stiu de unde sa incep, asa ca o sa zic o chestie super evidenta – am parul lung si ieri era de destul de scurt! Nu-i o minune – sunt doar extensii!!! Rar am fost atat de incantata de un lucru pe care il incerc pentru prima oara! Extensiile sunt o gaselinta de a carei existenta stiam, dar nu eram neaparat interesata. Le asociam cu aspectul artificial al tipelor care fac din solar, unghii lungi, silicon si botox un ritual zilnic. Dar zau ca m-am inselat! 

Acum imi dau seama ca majoritatea celebritatilor cu par superb pe care le invidiam din acest motiv (Blake Lively, Selena Gomez, Rhianna) au mereu extensii in par. Si cand ma gandesc de cate ori mi-am blamat genele ca nu se ridica la inaltimea asteptarilor mele legate de par si nu numai!!! Cu siguranta exista o multime de extensii care arata ieftin si nenatural, dar acestea din capul meu sunt 100% naturale si arata grozav. Sunt sigura ca cei care nu ma cunosc si nu stiu lungimea reala a parului meu, nu si-ar da seama ca am trisat.

The before and after pictures from behind (well, that sounds a bit dirty but you get the gist!)

Extensiile sunt de la Irresistible Me (gama Silky Touch), au 20 de inches (50.8 cm) si 200 de grame. Am ales culoarea Medium Brown si bine am facut pentru ca se potriveste aproape perfect cu nuanta mea naturala. Un alt detaliu important – sunt clip-ins - adica se ataseaza cu clipsuri micute in par si pot fi puse si scoase super rapid (chiar si eu le-am pus in aproximativ 5 minute). Mai mult dureaza ondulatul care mie mi se pare ca ajuta enorm cu partea de “camuflare” – asa chiar nu o sa stie nimeni ca podoaba capilara este doar partial a ta. Parul meu este subtire si capricios, dar foarte moale si stralucitor si extensiile acestea sunt chiar si mai matasoase si mai frumoase decat ma asteptam (egaleaza si chiar intrec aspectul sanatos al parului din dotare). Am tendinta sa le ating tot timpul si din fericire, nu cade parul din ele, altfel chiar ar fi o problema.

Fiind 100% naturale, pot fi tratate exact ca parul meu: le pot spala, tunde, vopsi, ondula, indrepta cu placa si asa mai departe. Fiecare set vine cu 10 bucati de diferite marimi: o bucata epica cu 4 clipuri de 8 inches (20 cm) si mai mult par decat am eu in tot capul, doua bucati cu 3 clipsuri de 6 inches (15cm), 5 bucati de 2 clipsuri de 4 inches (10 cm) si doua bucati de 1 clip de 1.5 inches (aproximativ 4 cm). Bucata mare este atat de grozava incat poate fi folosita si singura in zilele in care ma grabesc. Trimit colete in toata lumea (transportul este $10 sau gratis pentru comenzile peste $150) si spre deosebire de alte comenzi de peste ocean, acesta a ajuns super rapid si direct la usa cu Fedex (procesarea dureaza 3-5 zile si transportul alte 2-4 zile). Nu am platiti nici taxe vamale in caz ca va intrebati.

Daca va plac, am un cupon permanent de 10% pentru orice comanda pe Irresistible Me, este suficient sa folositi cuponul IrresistibleAlice la checkout in sectiunea promo code si veti primi reducerea!

Sincer, sunt obsedata de ele! Da, am ajuns si acolo – pot spune cu mana pe inima ca sunt obsedata de extensii! Daca va intereseaza o sa fac un review amanuntit si un tutorial in care sa va arat cum se pun! Datorita Sarei stiu nefiresc de multe despre acest subiect si ar fi pacat sa las nefolosita atata intelepciune – asa ca vrand, nevrand o sa va informez.

Parul lung m-a inspirat sa port pentru prima oara aceasta fusta maxi cu volane careia ii tot dadeam tarcoale de un an, dar fara mare succes. Ma tot gandeam cu ce sa o port ca sa evit sa arat ca o dansatoare de salsa putin nebuna. Cu toate precautiile am avut niste tentative de dans printre blocuri, dar am pus dovada doar pe Facebook unde este normal si asteptat sa fi putin ridicol:). Nu putea sa lipseasca colierul Borealy pe care il port atat de des incat ati putea crede ca-i singurul meu colier! :)

So what do you think? How do you like me best - with shorter or longer hair?

 I’m wearing:
hair extensions / extensii - Irresistible Me
  skirt / fusta - Asos
crop top/ top scurt - random brand (very similar here)
leather jacket / geaca piele - random brand
 necklace/ colier - Borealy
  rings /inele - here

The little black dress

We’re all chasing and working for the future so desperately, we sometimes forget to enjoy the little, perfect instants in our present. I know I do! Fortunately I have my glimpses of clarity when I look upon moments and things and see their true worth and beauty.

This past Saturday was one of those days. I just got dressed up for no particular reason and went out! I wore this amazing black dress and just let myself feel good because beautiful clothes excite me!

And right now I’m all about this little black dress with a twist – I adore the unusual asymmetric cut and the sultry layering that lets me show off my legs without looking trashy. Even better – the dress is made here in Romania in a little workshop called Miss Grey. They create wonderful, tailored clothes with a very feminine touch. The little number I have on fits me like a glove - so much so, I didn’t even feel the need to wear it with the cute gold belt it come with.

My obsession for the Irresistible Me hair extensions I ranted about in my previous article is still going strong. This time I attempted an ombre effect meets “in your face” highlights and I actually love the result. These extensions have actually revived my passion for experimenting with different hairdos and hair styles – I finally have enough hair to attempt some of the amazing things I collected on my Pinterest boards.

Am atat de multe to do-uri pe lista, incat imi este din ce in ce mai greu sa ma bucur de lucrurile simple.

Imi dau seama ca aproape toti alergam cu disperare dupa viitor care in mintea noasta este mereu mai bun decat prezentul pentru ca-i imaginat din toate visele si sperantele noastre. In goana asta uitam sa ne bucuram de acum si aici-ul cu micile lui momente perfecte. Se mai intampla insa sa-mi vina si mintea la cap! Rar, dar se intampla!

Sambata trecut a fost una dintre zilele de claritate. M-am gatit fara niciun motiv si am iesit sa  ma plimb prin oras. Fara un motiv anume - in afara de poze! Nu pot fie o visatoare fara griji pana la capat! Si-mi plac si lucurile frumoase, nu doar momentele.

Imi place rochia asta neagra ca-i simpla si complicata exact ca mine si, in plus, imi vine ca turnata. Ideea cu straturile transparente - foarte in trend acum -  iar imi place pentru ca-i sexy, fara sa fie vulgara. Faptul ca-i creata si cusuta intr-un atelier romanesc sub brandul Miss Grey este inca un plus. Chiar am fost in vizita la showroom-ul Miss Grey si au o multime de rochii superbe pe care le gasiti in magazinul online care livreaza in toata tara, dar si pe pagina lor de Facebook! Abia astept sa incerc si rochia verde, lunga pana-n pamant si sa v-o arat si aici pe blog. Nu stiu cum sunteti voi, dar hainele frumoase ma fac fericita – sunt  ca un pretext de joaca si de evadare pentru oameni mari.

Dupa cum vedeti obsesia cu extensiile Irresistible Me continua. De data asta am incercat ceva diferit – am folosit o combinatie de culori (white blonde si medium brown) pentru un efect instant de highlights amestecat cu un soi de ombre. Nu stiu ce-i cu mine, dar au  mi-au reinviat pasiunea pentru par si acum am chef sa le folosesc tot timpul ca sa pun in prcatica tot felul de idei adunate de pe Pinterest si Youtube.

little black dress/ rochie - Miss Grey (here)
  pumps / pantofi - Asos
  silver bracelets / bratari - Topshop
hair extensions / extensii -  Irresistible Me (here)
 clutch / geanta - random brand
earrings /cercei - here

Colorful and bejeweled

Summer has this way of making everything feel better – it’s like vacation mood it’s on even if you’re still at work and following your usual routine. For me it comes with that feeling of endless possibilities and the overwhelming need to wear colors.

And I’m not just saying that, I’m going straight for neon green – my dress can probably be seen from space (which was my evil plan all along).

And I topped it with the most amazing statement necklace ever – my new love from Borealy. The blue one I showed you here and here, finally has some serious competition for my heart.

Acum ca a venit vara, sunt decisa sa port toate chestiile super colorate din dulapul meu, incepand cu rochia asta verde neon care-i vizibila din spatiu. Ce ziceti insa de colier? In ceea ce ma priveste l-a detronat pe cel albastru (purtat aici si aici) in inima mea. Las fotografiile sa vorbeasca pentru ca mi-e greu sa explic cat de reusita este combinatia de materiale si culori - imi plac in special pietrele smarald si contrastul cu piesa centrala.

Photos: Costin 
I’m wearing:
necklace / colier -  Borealy (here)
   pumps / pantofi - New Look
neon dress/ rochie - Romwe
   clutch / geanta - Debenhams


How amazing is the red Pashley Britania bike in these photos? Unfortunately, it’s not mine, but I did have the pleasure to borrow it for an afternoon and take some photos. I could even wear one of my usual get ups - the low frame and large front wicker basket are designed to give you the freedom to wear skirts and dresses and carry your usual bag and everything else you feel like having with you. A polka-dots dress seemed like the obvious choice for my red bicycle!

I’m also taking this opportunity to talk about a lovely event here in Bucharest called SkirtBike which aims to celebrate the independence and empowerment that cycling can provide to all women and to encourage those who don’t already cycle. SkirtBike is a fun, colorful and friendly women bicycle ride, where the skirt or the dress is the proper outfit (the next one is coming really soon – on July 6th).

Mie vara imi vin tot felul de idei. Acum ma gandesc cat de frumos ar fi sa merg la slujba in fiecare dimineata cu bicicleta in loc de metrou sau autobuz. Sigur, ar dura putin mai mult (poate la fel avand in vedere ca mereu pierd metroul), dar as respira aer cat de cat proaspat si as face si 40 de minute de miscare. Am mai avut ganduri asemanatoare si alta data iar de la intalnirea cu Roxana la Digital Divas, cand mi-a povestit de Skirt Bike, am inceput sa ma gandesc din nou la chestia asta. Doar bicicleta imi lipseste!

Nu si in aceste fotografii insa, pentru care am imprumutat una absolut superba de la La Vita e Velo– modelul se numeste Pashley Britania si este o bicicleta clasica englezeasca bazata pe popularul model Princess al brandului Pashley. Pozele sunt facute de Costin si cartile din cos pe care tocmai i le inapoiam dupa ce le citisem au servit ca recuzita neintentionata, dar destul de potrivita.  

Asa cumva ziceam, totul a pornit de la intalnirea cu Roxana si apoi cu Mihaela si Oana care organizeaza Skirt Bike, o initiativa despre care merita sa va povestesc putin. SkirtBike este un eveniment care celebreaza independenta si sentimental de eliberare pe care mersul pe bicicleta il ofera tuturor femeilor si doreste sa le motiveze pe cele care inca nu pedaleaza sa o faca in viitor. Urmatorea editie Skirt Bike va avea loc in cateva zile, pe 6 iulie, in București începând cu ora 15.00.  Plimbarea in care fustele si rochiile pe bicicleta sunt, nu doar perfect acceptabile, ci si incurajate, va porni de la  Palatul Copiilor (Bd. Tineretului, nr 60), ora 16.00, pe următorul traseu: Bd. Tineretului- Bd. Dimitrie Cantemir-PiațaUnirii-Piața Universității-Piața Romană–Piața Victoriei–Bd. Aviatorilor–Parcul Herăstrău–Roaba de Cultură (intrarea Pescăruș). Si mai multe detalii gasiti pe blogul SkirtBike, dar si pe pagina lor de facebook!

 Photos: Costin 
I’m wearing:
polkadots dress / rochie - CiChic(here)
pink leather jacket, bag / geaca piele roz, geanta - 
   pumps, bracelet / pantofi, bratara - New Look
cherry earrings / cercei cirese - romwe
  bag/ geanta - random brand
rings / inele  - H&M

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